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Transparency Index

Legislation, namely the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 (as amended), and Home Office "Guidelines for PCCs on Publishing Information" requires us to publish certain information. The index below will help you locate this information quickly. 

Click the link to view the relevant information

Who we are and what we do

Contact details of the PCC
Structure of the Office of the PCC
Premises and land
OPCC Staff Register of Interests

What we spend and how we spend it

The budget of the Office of the PCC 
The precept - Total Budget and Income 
Response to the precept from the Police and Crime Panel (PCP)
Medium Term Resource Strategy 2024 - 2029
Grants Awarded
Expenditure over £500
Allowances and Expenses
Contracts awarded
Invitations to tender
Senior Salaries
Chief Executive Job Description
Accounts Information
Annual Accounts 2022-23 (PCC)
Annual Accounts 2022-23 (Chief Constable)
Treasury Management Strategy

What are our priorities and how are we doing

The Police and Crime Plan
The Annual Report
Collaboration Agreements

How we make decisions

Annual Governance Statement
Public Meetings
Decision Log

Policies and Procedures

PCC Code of Conduct
Code of Corporate Governance
Independent Custody Visitor scheme
Record Management
Data Protection

Data Sharing
Staff Diversity
Whistle Blowing

Guidance and Narrative regarding Police Complaints
OPCC Complaints Procedure
Complaints against the PCC recorded by the Police and Crime Panel

Lists and Registers

PCC's Register of Interests

DPCC's Register of Interests
Freedom of Information disclosure log
Gifts and hospitality registers