What We Spend and How We Spend It
Financial Information
In this section, we will publish a range of financial information required by law and in the interests of transparency.
The Corporate Governance Framework, including financial regulations and standing orders, are designed to ensure that the Commissioner and the Chief Constable are able to discharge their obligations with regard to achieving value for money.
The Budget
The budget of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
To view the 2024-25 OPCC budget CLICK HERE
Medium Term Resource Strategy (MTRS) 2024/25 to 2028/29
Reserves Strategy
Reserves strategy report
The Precept
The precept issued by the Commissioner
2024/25 The Commissioner increased the policing precept of the Council Tax for 2024/25 by 4.8%. To view the 2024/25 Council Tax leaflet CLICK HERE
2023/24 The Commissioner increased the policing precept of the Council Tax for 2023/24 by 5.9%. To view the 2023/24 Council Tax leaflet CLICK HERE
2022/23 The Commissioner increased the policing precept of the Council Tax for 2022/23 by 4.1%. To view the 2022/23 Council Tax leaflet CLICK HERE
2021/22 The Commissioner increased the policing precept of the Council Tax for 2021/22 by 6.5%. To view the 2021/22 Council Tax leaflet CLICK HERE
Annual Accounts
The annual accounts of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Humberside Police
2023-24 Draft Annual Accounts for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
2023-24 Draft Annual Accounts for Humberside Police
Annual Accounts Public Notice of Inspection Period 2023-24
2023-24 Annual Governance Statement
2023-24 Chief Constable for Humberside - Audit Delay Letter
2023-24 OPCC for Humberside - Audit Delay Letter
Public Notice for Delay in Publication 2022-23 for Humberside Police
Public Notice for Delay in Publication 2022-23 for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
2022/23 Annual Accounts for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
2022/23 Annual Accounts for Humberside Police
2022-23 Annual Governance Statement
Humberside Police Chief Constable - Audit Certificate 2022-23
Humberside Police PCC and Group - Audit Certificate 2022-23
Humberside Police Chief Constable - Letter accompanying Audit Certificate 2022-23
Humberside Police PCC and Group - Letter accompanying Audit Certificate 2022-23
Audited 2021-22 Annual Accounts for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
Audited 2021-22 Annual Accounts for Humberside Police
Public Notice for the delay in Audit Certificate Issue
2021-22 Annual Governance Statement
Humberside Police PCC and Group Audit Certificate 2021-22
Humberside Police Chief Constable - Audit Certificate 2021-22
Audited 2020/21 Annual Accounts for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
Audited 2020/21 Annual Accounts for Humberside Police
2020-21 Annual Governance Statement
Audit Certificate for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner 2020/21
Audit Certificate for Humberside Police 2020/21
Public Notice for the Completion of Audit for the Police and Crime Commissioner 2020/21
Public Notice for the Completion of Audit for Humberside Police 2020/21
To view the audited 2019/20 annual accounts for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner - CLICK HERE
Public Notice - Conclusion of Audit for the Police and Crime Commissioner
To view the audited 2019/20 annual accounts for Humberside Police - CLICK HERE
Public Notice - Conclusion of Audit for the Chief Constable
2019/20 Annual Governance Statement for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner CLICK HERE
To view the audited 2018/19 annual accounts for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner - CLICK HERE
To view the audited 2018/19 annual accounts for Humberside Police - CLICK HERE
2018/19 Annual Governance Statement for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner CLICK HERE
2018/19 Annual Governance Statement for Humberside Police CLICK HERE
Audit Completion Notice
Audit Completion Report
Annual Audit Letter 2018/19
To view the audited 2017/18 annual accounts for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner - CLICK HERE
To view the audited 2017/18 annual accounts for Humberside Police - CLICK HERE
2017/18 Annual Governance Statement for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner CLICK HERE
2017/18 Annual Governance Statement for Humberside Police CLICK HERE
Audit Completion Notice
To view the audited 2016/17 annual accounts for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner - CLICK HERE
Treasury Management Strategy
To view a copy of the annual Treasury Management Strategy Statement (TMSS) of the Commissioner CLICK HERE
Grants Awarded
The Corporate Governance Framework, including financial regulations and standing orders, are designed to ensure that the Commissioner and the Chief Constable are able to discharge their obligations with regard to achieving value for money.
Details of each grant (including crime and disorder reduction grant) made by the Commissioner
Grants Awarded 2020-2021
Grants Awarded 2021-2022
Grants Awarded 2022-2023
How to do business with Humberside Police
The four police forces in the Yorkshire and the Humber region have a joint Regional Procurement Team. The team has dedicated resources for procuring goods, services and works, contract management and strategic projects.
The four forces within Yorkshire and the Humber spend approximately £200 million per annum on the procurement of goods, services and works. The aim of the Yorkshire and the Humber Regional Procurement Team is to achieve value for money and increase sustainability.
They provide specialist support to the forces in the Yorkshire and the Humber region in all tasks related to buying supplies and services using a variety of contractual arrangements ranging from locally placed orders to large complex collaborative contracts.
Today's economic climate demands businesses to operate in a sustainable manner with a culture of continuous improvement, taking into account the various different impacts procurement has on the economy and the environment around them. This is no different for the Yorkshire and the Humber Police Forces who are constantly seeking to make the most prudent and effective use of its resources. The Governments’ current drive towards higher efficiency combined with annual constraints on public finance has brought new dimensions to the use of resource management. We are constantly seeking innovative solutions which provide greater value for money.
To find out more about:
· How to do business with one of the four forces in the region;
· How we are committed to working with local suppliers, the third sector and SME suppliers;
· The legislation by which we are governed;
Please click the following link: ‘How to do business with Yorkshire & the Humber Police Forces: a guide for Suppliers’. Contact details for the Team are included in the document, should you like any further information.
Contracts Awarded
Police and Crime Commissioners are required to publish a copy of every contract with a value exceeding £10,000 and a list of those that have a value of less than £10,000 to which they or the Chief Constable is a party.
In the Humberside Police area the majority of formal contracts are in excess of £50,000.
Details of contracts may be viewed on the Bluelight Emergency Services Tendering website.
CLICK HERE to view the Bluelight website.
Once on the Bluelight website:
- Click on 'Awarded Contracts' on the left hand menu.
- Under 'Organisation' on the form that appears, select 'Humberside Police'
- Finally, click on 'Search' to see the list of contracts
Invitations to Tender
Police and Crime Commissioners are required to publish a copy of every invitation to tender for a contract with an expected value exceeding £10,000 to which they or the Chief Constable is a party.
All tenders may be viewed on the Bluelight Emergency Services Tendering website.
CLICK HERE to view the Bluelight website
Once on the Bluelight website:
- To view tenders, click on ‘New Tender Opportunities’ on the left hand menu.
- In the online form enter ‘Humberside’ in the 'name' field
- Finally, click on ‘Search’ to see the list of tenders.
CLICK HERE to find out more information about contracts worth over £12,000.
Collaboration Agreements
Below is a copy of each collaboration agreement, or the fact that an agreement has been made and other such details about it as the Commissioner thinks appropriate.
Collaboration Agreement for the provision of policing services in Yorkshire and The Humber
Joint ICT Service
Scientific Support Service
Protected Personnel Carriers
National Police Air Service
Provision of Legal Services (from Nov 2019)
S22A Modern Slavery Police Transformation Programme (from Jan 2020)
The Corporate Governance Framework, including financial regulations and standing orders, are designed to ensure that the Commissioner and the Chief Constable are able to discharge their obligations with regard to achieving value for money.
For details of PCC expenditure over £500 CLICK HERE
For details of Humberside Police expenditure over £500 CLICK HERE
To view the allowances and expenses claimed or incurred by the Commissioner CLICK HERE
The salaries of each relevant office holder above £58,200 CLICK HERE
Premises and Land
CLICK HERE to view a list of premises and land owned by, or occupied for the purpose of the work of Humberside Police and the Commissioner