Services for Victims of Crime
The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is responsible for commissioning local support services for all victims of crime. The Ministry of Justice provides Commissioners with a grant each year to enable services which best meet the needs of local victims of crime.
The PCC has a statutory duty to ensure an ‘effective and efficient criminal justice system’ and is committed to championing the needs of victims and witnesses within the system.
The PCC has responsibility for commissioning these services so that they are easy to access, cost effective and responsive to the changing needs of the victim.
When you report a crime to the police you must be treated with respect and provided with the best service possible.
The Code of Practice for Victims of Crime explains what information, services and support victims of crime can expect to receive at every stage of their journey through the criminal justice system.
The Victim's Code of Practice
The Victims Code of Practice (2021) is a set of RIGHTS that outline how a person affected by crime should be treated and the support they should expect. Click here to see a definition of who is a 'victim' under this code.
- All victims have the right to be treated with respect, dignity, sensitivity, compassion and courtesy.
- The services involved in the Criminal Justice System have to ensure you and your family understand the process from reporting the crime to after the probation service has contacted you (the length and process of the criminal justice process will depend on the type of investigation, court result and sentencing).
- It is also important the victim or witness have the information they need to make informed choices.
- Victims who are considered vulnerable or intimidated, or who are victims of the most serious crimes (for example sexual offences, domestic abuse, hate crimes and including a bereaved close relative) or have been persistently targeted can received ENHANCED services.
There are 12 RIGHTS

Each RIGHT is broken down into more details. These details explain what can be expected by, the individual affected by crime from the service providers involved in the Criminal Justice System.
Click on the links below to download leaflets or visit the website here
If you need any support during this time please contact the Victim Support Service for Humberside as below. You can also get more information on the national Victims Commissioner website.
Victim Support
Local support if you've been affected by crime
Victims Commissioner
An independent voice for victims and witnesses
Other useful publications